The open-access journal Toxics is announcing a new Special Issue entitled “Persistent, Emerging, and Oil Pollutants in Marine Ecosystem and Human Health Risks”

We are pleased to let you know that the open-access journal Toxics (ISSN 2305-6304) is announcing the launch of a new Special Issue entitled “Persistent, Emerging, and Oil Pollutants in Marine Ecosystem and Human Health Risks.” Dr. Atanu Sarkar (KS lead on impact evaluation for seafood safety, human health, and coastal communities) will serve as The Guest Editor for this issue. Please see the link:


The focused areas are ecotoxicological, occupational, immunologic, epigenetic, metabolic, clinical, epidemiological, public health effects, as well as environmental policy perspectives. Authors are invited and welcome to submit original research papers, reviews, and short communications.


If you have any question on submission and topic, please contact directly to Dr. Atanu Sarkar (

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